Monday, January 24, 2011


( I hate that these pisctures are out of order and I don't know how to fix it!!! SORRY)
My little Aubree Ann turned ONE yesterday (23rd) and we had such a great celebration for her!!
We had the family come over for a little party on saturday and Aubree was so great! She was so happy and loving all the ATTENTION!

On sunday we had a great family day and took the kids for a walk and to the park. We also Sang to Aubree again and she "blew" out the birthday candle... well tried to eat it!

She is such a big girl now!

Once again sorry for the pictures being not so smart with the computer...


Mommy decided to get her ears pierced for her birthday! No one wanted me to do it, but I was going to no matter what!! She did ok,.... she was having a hard day anyways, so i figured i might as well add one more horrible thing to her such a mean mom!
She did great! only cried a couple of minutes after, then she was so happy about her sucker she got!!!
She looks so cute and daddy and NANA think so too!!! ;)

Carson was so good on her birthday! He let her have her day and they both played so well!

Her new chair which she LOVES! THANKS NANA!


Her cute cheese face she makes whenever she see's a camera or someone says cheese!

Aubree Ann, Mommy and daddy love you so much! We are so lucky you are in our life.... some things Aubree can do at age 1

- DANCE LIKE NO OTHER! (she loves dancing... it is so fun watching her race to the couch so she can stand and start shaking her booty when she hears music!)

-CRAWLS really FAST!!! She likes to crawl on her toes and hands! Like Mogli from jungle book!

- She LOVES reading books! I can leave her in a room with books around her and she is in HEAVEN!

-Likes to make animal sounds! mainly woof, and roar, but she's getting pretty good at it!

-LOVEs to climb on everything! And crawl as fast as she can to get away from mommy and daddy!

- sleeps so well!

- eats almost everything, but if she doesn't like it she dumps the food on the floor! little stink!

-Loves her brother like no other! there bond they have is so sweet! Carson is the only one that can make her laugh and it melts my heart!

-I love her to pieces and can't wait to see what she can accomplish!