Since I have been pregnant, I have been emotionally down. Not that I'm pregnant, (trust me we are very excited), but I think the hormone's are getting me in the worst way.
I don't know why I'm writing this, but I am, so you don't have to read this if you don't want...
Things in life are crazy right now!
I don't have my own home anymore, we are living with my parents, which isn't bad, its just not my house... Its hard to go from being a grown-up with a husband, child, and living on your own.... to going back into your parents house feeling like a teenager again! My little brother, is back from his mission, so he is home, and it just brings back memories.
I only have one room that is constantly messing with toys everywhere!!! I can't even keep one room clean!! It drives me insane! Especially when my mother gives me the look "GO CLEAN YOUR ROOM".... you remember that look right?
My dog past away, and it makes me really sad. I think about him all the time. I feel so guilty because the prior week of him passing, I was willing to give him away! I feel so aweful that I would ever do or say that! He was so good, and seriously Carson's best friend, and now Carson doesn't even remember him because we don't say his name. They loved to play together and wrestle, and now he doesn't even remember him!
I miss Max....
Im working everyday, and YES it IS ONLY 3 hours a day, BUT I HATE IT!!!!
I hate being away from Carson, and not being able to play with him. Summer time is my favorite time to play and relax, I hate working during the summer Time!! Im pretty much done with work. I can't really do it anymore.
I am pregnant, and I feel fat. Im not showing yet, but if I push out my stomach I look 6 months pregnant! We went to the doctors this week and everything is perfect, with the little peanut. It was so exciting to hear the heart beat! I was so nervous before, i don't know why but I was, and to hear the beautiful heart beat, just made things feel so much better! I thought I would love being pregnant, but with Carson I really didn't enjoy it and this time im TRYING!!!
Im so tired all the time, I have no energy! It's actually getting a little better. Hopefully I will enjoy the little thing thats in my tummy.... Im hoping for a boy!!! So everyone pray for a BOY!!!!!!!
Carson is just getting to big too fast!!! He is constantly saying the funniest things, and running around like a crazy boy!!!
Somehow I have to find the time to potty train him, and put him in a toddler bed before we have the baby, And before we get into a home!!! HELP!!!
I love him and I know we will figure it out!!
My life is not horrible in any way, I know people that have worse situations in their lives.
I am just not happy and keep thinking about all these things all the time~!
I really need to stop with this WOE IS ME and MOVE ONE!!!! I am healthy, Carson and Chad are Healthy, we don't have any problems, we are working hard to move, nothing bad is wrong. I just need to vent and write my emotions down. I really am trying to smile more and not be so stressed with the little things.
Sorry if you read this, its stupid and I really don't need any sympathy.....
Oh... I am sorry. I know you don't want sympathy, but being pregnant ( I never loved either.) In fact, were hoping soon it will happen to us too, so we will complain together ;) I don't love it, but honestly, I didn't notice is as much with #2 because your just extra busy. Sorry about Max, that broke my heart. My little Carson is obsessed with dogs, and we don't even have one but my friends do.
You, my sister, and my sister n law are all pregnant and due in January! Hurray for you all. I wish I was too, then maybe our babies would have the same birthday again. His party looked like a lot of fun. Your such a good Mom.
Hugs Brittney!!! Love ya!
Oh yeah! I hear ya, and been there. living with my grandparents when I ws pregnant with Ethan in one room and totally depressed! It helps to write down your feelings... I hope things get better and you feel better. hugs.
Oh man, I feel your pain. I am only nine weeks and i seriously HATE being pregnant right now!! I have all the same symptoms as you and the fatigue is killer! It is so frustrating and makes you feel so unmotivated!
You are almost over the first trimester hump, so hopefully you'll start to feel better!
Oh girl, I hope you start feeling better soon. I am sure its the hormones, I am so cranky with my kids right now, I can totally relate!
And don't stress about the potty-training thing. Its not really even worth it until Carson is interested, and ready. If you push him too early, it will just take longer. I kept Millie in a crib until Justin was a couple months old. I did the same with Justin when Simon was born. I was in no hurry, as long as they weren't climbing out. It will all work out too, he will do better in a big bed than you expect once you do decide to go there. I put it off as long as I possibly could :)
I am so excited for you and your new little one. When is your due date again? Miss you!!
I'm so sorry to hear all that! What a bummer, but I am glad everyone is healthy and happy! Hang in there, and if you ever need anyone to talk to- I'm here for you! Love you girl!
wa wa whaaa....cheer up!
Brit- I know we haven't talked for a long long time except through here but we need to talk definitly especially now. After I read this paragraph I just felt like I wasn't alone. It was refreshing. call me or text me or anything! 801-404-0784! I appreciate you writing your thoughts you never know who you will help and it helped me!
Well you have one thing to be excited about....I get to see you in like two days! I am with you on all your complaints. We were supposed to move back in with my ma and pa if we went back to school and I totally know what look you are talking about!
I would put a picture up in your house of Max and Carson and remind him every time he sees it of who Max is and how much he loved him!
As for as being pregnant...sorry that you are not feeling so good. :)
I can't wait to give you a big hug!
Love ya
Dear SunShine,
This is just how you felt the first time you were expecting, take time to just enjoy your little one and rest when he does, take a deep breath and just think, in 6 more weeks your going to feel like a million bucks. and as soon as the heat slows down you'll feel that much better. And there are many people out there with out a home, just be thankfull you have a wonderful mother and father that has room for you to stay while your looking for your next home. Hey I love you tons and you'll come through this with flying colors. Sorry to here about Max, he was a wonderful dog.
Have a great day, and give that baby a kiss for me.
I understand how you feel about living at home. Last year Ryan and I moved to his parents house becuase he went back to school. We knew it was temporary but its still hard to give up your personal space. You are lucky to have such a wonderful family who wants to help. I have a wonderful family and it has made the transition easier. Cheer up! It will get better!
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